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Simplified Commercial Lending
3571 Far West Blvd #176 AUSTIN TX 78731
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Single Family Investment Properties

We offer single family investment properties loan in a fast, affordable way without requiring tax return records. 

Looking to Refinance?
We offer up to 80% LTV on a rate-term refinance and cash-out. We have programs that do not require seasoning on title after a property has been renovated, allowing our client to use full appraised value. 

Renovation (Fix & Flip or Fix & Hold)

We are known as the industry leader in investment home renovation loans. We offer up to 100% of Purchase Price + 100% of renovation cost, up to 75% of ARV in multiple states. 

Commercial Lending 

We offer 30-Year fixed mortgages on multiple asset classes of real estate. Our 30-Year amortization mortgaage provides security for your invesment loan term.  Interest only options are available. Call our office for a quote. 

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